Thursday, August 2, 2007

Understanding Irony- Finding Our Time

Hey y'all,

Well, I finally found something to post about! There's this really cool band that's trying to find their time in today's music-Understanding Irony. The band consists of three teens: Jessica Arnold (16), Rachel Schmidt (14), and Kathleen DeVries (14). I got to talk with them and ask them a few questions! Here's what they said:
How did the band start?

Well, we kinda were like "ooh lets start a band since we like singing and we all are really good friends, so yeah, a band sounds good!" (and we were being obsessed with the Jonas Brothers, so we pretended to be them, except as girls... haha!) - Jessica

We've wanted to make a band since we were in junior high pretty much, but we didn't actually get "into it" till about 2 years ago when some of us wanted to be f4c, that didn't work out...then this year we got talking about it again and Jess, Kathleen and I kinda started talking about it and we began writing songs!! -Rachel

It offically started this summer, when Jessica was doodling in her notebook, and drew a picture of us three on a stage as the "Jonas Sisters", because the three of us each like a different one and all. So then it became this idea that we should have our own band! We all had tried writing songs before and having a way to perform them would be a dream come true. So then we had to come up with a different name for the band, because "Jonas Sisters" was too unoriginal. So we took words that we liked and came up with "Understanding Irony". -Kathleen


So who does what for the band?

Jess and Kathleen do main vocals, I sing background! We're all learning (or going to) the guitar...jess also does piano, i do piano, and kathleen plays bass. -Rachel

Kathleen plays guitar and sings (shares lead vocals), Jessica sings (shares lead vocals) and can possibly play guitar/piano, and Rachel sings backup vocals and plays keyboard/piano. -Jessica

Yeah, they pretty much covered it, Jess and I share vocals, and we try some harmony every once in a while. Rachel does back up vocals and keyboard, and I play guitar and sometimes bass. Jessica is the cute one-she sits on stage and smiles. -Kathleen


How long have you guys been working on this project?

The whole idea of becoming a band has been happening for years, but "Understanding Irony" has been in the shop for only a few months. -Kathleen

It kind of started in about July 2007, we had all been writing songs before and it just came together. -Jessica

We just recently started writing lyrics, now we just have to get a tune to our songs and record them!! (that'll be a lotta fun!) -Rachel


When does the first CD come out?

Haha, i don't think we have thought that far yet, but it would be really cool if we could get one out before i go to college... :) -Jessica

Wow, as far as that goes, I'd like to have one out in a year or two, but the hard part is going to be recording it. But if you know us, we'll find a way. -Kathleen

When we get enough songs to fill a CD, then we have to record them!! So in about a year or 2!! Be watching out for that! -Rachel


What is your inspiration for writing, both lyrics and music?

I write about the regular teenage life, sometimes its problems, other times its something exciting! When I write about God, its something that was inspiring from a lesson or a Bible verse. Sometimes my song ideas come from when someone just says something that sounds like a good song title and i go from for the tune...sometimes I get insiration from other songs, or it just comes! (lol i sound like some celebrity! ha!) -Rachel

I personally just really love music, and I get inspired by things that are happening to me, or people around me, or situations that are in everday life. -Jessica

To me, music is not just a pastime or hobby, music is a passion and a lifestyle. Music revolves around my life, if there's not a song playing, I'll make the song play. When it comes to writing, it's usually an inspiration from something I heard or saw. Once I was in the car on the way home from vacation and all of the sudden some words came to me, I pulled out my notebook and wrote them down. That's mostly how it works, God just gives me words, and I'll sit down and edit them with Him, and somthing good comes from that. -Kathleen


Any plans for the future?

It would be really cool if we were able to tour for a bit. If it was possible for us to become "famous" i guess, before i go off to college, i would definitely do it! it sounds like a lot of fun!


As Jessica said, touring would be fun. Going everywhere and seeing new people, maybe even touring with our favorite boy band? :) I'd like a taste of it, but I don't know if touring is God's plan for the rest of my LIFE! -Kathleen

Besides on what to wear tomorrow!? lol Well I really want our band to actually be a band!! (but of course only if it's Gods will!) I also want to go to college when I graduate! Ive wanted to go to Calvary Bible College, but I'm not sure yet. I've always wanted to be an interior designer! But maybe I'll be a missionary! -Rachel


Where do you plan on touring?

MISSISSIPPI!!! That's number one on our list right now, I think. But going all over the US would be fun, New Jeresy would be fun, lots of places by the sea...Europe would be fun too.


Of course all over the USA!! (making a stop at Mississippi!) I think it would be fun to tour in europe too! and I've always wanted to go to Scotland! (they have AWESOME ACCENTS!!) lol


haha! kathleen was like '' we should tour in mississippi '' but i don't really know where we would tour, wherever people want to hear us... i guess :) -Jessica


Finally, Tell us a bit about yourselves?

I'm in band at school and play the clarinet! I like the color purple, I love monkeys, my favorite kinda dog is a dachshund, my fav. fast food restaurant is Subway, I totally LOVE skatershoes, and i wish i could fly!! lol anyways, I listen to all kinds of music, I like Toby Mac, Barlow Girl, Zoegirl, Relient K, Hawk Nelson, and even some of the older ones, Jaci Velasquez, DC Talk, Rachael Lampa...I also like Kelly Clarkson, Jonas Brothers (especially kevin!) and a ton of country!! Rascal Flatts, Shania Twain, Brooks and Dunn, Kenny Chesney and a ton more! I have a ton of favorite movies too! I love all the Pirates of the Carribean movies, Hairspray, High School Musical, Raise Your Voice, Lord of the Rings, plus various other chick flicks! My favorite books are Eragon, Eldest, the Left Behind Series and the Alex Rider seires! My favorite shows are Gilmore Girls, What I like About You, Reba and Dancing With the Stars! -Rachel

Yeah, i'm a pretty crazy person, i like a lot of stuff, music is my life, i just love listening to everything... i also enjoy church, i love being there and i learning with my friends there, i love the jonas brothers, *teehee*, um, band, band is also my life... yeah, i'm a music geek! :D yeah i'm a pretty interesting person. -Jessica

Let's see, God is always first. He's the One who gave us the idea to have this band, the one who gave us words to our songs, and hopefully will carry us into a life of music. Music is a priority in my life, I listen to most Christian rock, but there is some secular stuff I listen to. I plan on getting the tips of my hair dyed red, and so do the other band members, only they want theirs purple and blue. Friends are another important thing in my life. I see the other band members twice a week on a typical schedule. We've gone everywhere together. We have some other friend that we're really close to, and they are SO supportive with this whole thing. I really want to thank them for that! (Elisa gets to drive the bus!!) But other than that, I love writing (not just songs, fiction!), and reading is a big thing for me too. But that's the most of it.

So we were happy to have "Understanding Irony" join us for the interview and hope to hear from them again soon!

P.S -Check out our Myspace! !!!!


Jessica said...

sweet! i like the interview... maybe some person that does recording will pass by this and be like "hey look, a band, lets make them famous"... just kidding...

but that would be so cool

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

hey kathleen.. this sounds really cool! can't wait until your first CD comes out, I'll definaitley buy it... is there a pre-buy? JK! LOL! well, sounds awesome.. G2G!

bekah m.

Anonymous said...

hey our computer let's us record's pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

okay found a link to a place that might record for you.. check it out:

Brittany said...

awesome interview!! I enjoyed it so much-whats next?!

Brittany said...

so has everyone abandoned their blogs in favor of Facebook? can't you people do both?!